Moonbow WHAT IS A MOONBOW? Moonbows are rainbows caused by the moon instead of the sun. They are rarer than rainbows because the weather and astronomical conditions have to be perfect. WHAT IS A MOONBOW? Moonbows (also known as a lunar rainbow or white rainbow) are rainbows caused by the moon instead of the sun. They are rarer than rainbows because the weather and astronomical conditions have to be perfect. WHAT CAUSES A MOONBOW? Just like rainbows in the day, the water droplets have to be at the correct angle opposite the direction of the light source to reflect, refract, and disperse the light. Sounds simple enough, but there are a lot of factors. The sky needs to be clear or relatively clear It needs to be a full moon or near full moon. No other bright light source can be present. There needs to be sufficient mist. Moonbows are more frequent in some parts of the world where the waterfall is creating a lot of mist, while other parts, they only occur in ...